Wednesday 14 November 2012

A case for mixed methods

First of all, I am sorry this blog post is so late! Usually I post far earlier but, as I'm sure everyone knows, assignments are being handed in left and right. Still, I am glad I have time to discuss our class because I found some of it to give me a little more hope for research (in contrast to how disillusioned I was feeling about it last week). 
To start, I, like many other students, had no idea there was such a controversy over case studies. Before reading Yin's article, I had assumed they were just another research method to be considered. I am glad I read this article though, as it helped me to examine the kinds of research that may find case studies more appropriate. Through our class exercise, I was able to examine my research proposal in a new light and consider a new method of research (though I doubt a case study is in the books for me)!
The most relevant thing I took away from the last class was using mixed methods to inform each other. I was toying with the idea of using a mixed methodology in my (new and improved!) research proposal, but never thought of using them one after the other. In a few articles I read for my INF1230 essay, it was apparent that many studies based their results on two separate samples. Granted, both samples used the survey instrument, but the first round of survey results heavily influenced the second survey instrument. I am writing this from memory, so I hope it makes sense, but I really liked the idea of collecting data twice and using the results from the first to inform the second. I think I may use this approach in my proposal, but with a mixed-methods aspect, in that I would conduct a web survey then invite respondents to participate in a follow-up interview or focus group depending on the results. Before Monday, I had though of doing both surveys and interviews, but had not considered how I could use them to inform each other. 
I realize I am rambling now, but I am glad to have found a little bit of inspiration to continue slugging through my proposal! (Less than 3 weeks away, holy crap!)

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