Monday 19 November 2012

Infrastructure examples from my work experience

Star’s discussion of how work processes can be completely disrupted my seemingly significant changes strongly resonates for me personally. Part of my work responsibilities has included developing procedures to standardize and simplify communications strategies. Conceiving of the second level of assemblage explains in hind sight some of the problems that I noticed with the procedures I drafted, even in my own execution of them. What is particularly interesting is when the values of the assemblage layer conflict with the goals being implemented in the more visible workflow layer. For example, in an attempt to provide more consistency in communications I built a series of semi-automated forms for staff to use. However, the time required to use the forms conflicted with the value of speedy turnaround of client requests. While these were all things that I noticed without the need of a deep infrastructural investigation, it does give me a good vocabulary to think and talk about it.

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